Scenario 3, OpenOffice/LibreOffice (Re: Minor thoughts (Re: [External] : Re: JEP draft: Prepare to Restrict The Use of JNI

Rony G. Flatscher Rony.Flatscher at
Tue Sep 5 10:03:45 UTC 2023

OpenOffice and its fork LibreOffice are original C++ applications.

The German company Star created a portable C++ framework in order to become able to create their 
end-user tools (word processor, later spreadsheet etc.). It got bought by Sun which ordered the team 
to create Java APIs for the package. AOO/LO therefore have a need to interact with the JRE (the 
Java/OpenJDK installation).

Among other things components in Java can be created, the scripting framework is implemented in Java 
(it predates the javax.script package).

There is an ooRexx implementation for the AOO/LO Java scripting framework such that students become 
able to also create programs and take advantage of that infrastructure in addition. Here slides that 
teach the business administration students programming AOO/LO: 

There is no "Java application author" that would be able to control that "easy" flag.

If the user of AOO/LO gets to see that warning it would be a message that in effect Java/OpenJDK is 
not safe as Java/OpenJDK gives a warning about its use and if an error gets eventually thrown ...


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