Minor thoughts (Re: [External] : Re: JEP draft: Prepare to Restrict The Use of JNI

Ron Pressler ron.pressler at oracle.com
Tue Sep 5 11:38:29 UTC 2023

> On 5 Sep 2023, at 10:55, Simon Nash <simon at cjnash.com> wrote:
> On 04/09/2023 10:48, Ron Pressler wrote
>> The end user of your application need not see the warning at all. If you, as the application author, pick a runtime based on a JDK version that has this warning for your application, then *you*, as the application author, will pass the flag to the Java runtime. Your application’s end user need not know about any Java flags; they need not even know your application is a Java application. These are all internal details of your application.
> As I explained in an earlier message, I can release a new version of my application that has this change (I will use the new attribute in the launcher jar) but many users are still using older versions of the application without this change. They will see the scary warning and will not know what they need to do to make it go away.

They will only see a warning if they configure the old version of your application to use a new Java runtime that they themselves provide. If they are developers who know how to use the JDK and configure its launcher to run your application, then why would they be scared? If they’re not developers, how would they obtain a new version of the Java runtime and configure your application to use it?

I’m trying to understand how such a situation could arise and what kind of users we’re talking about.

— Ron

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