CFV: New JDK Committer: Nizar Benella

Chen Liang chen.l.liang at
Thu Aug 29 20:36:48 UTC 2024

Vote: yes!

Best regards,
Chen Liang
From: jdk-dev <jdk-dev-retn at> on behalf of Jonathan Gibbons <jonathan.gibbons at>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2024 3:30 PM
To: jdk-dev at <jdk-dev at>
Subject: CFV: New JDK Committer: Nizar Benella

I hereby nominate Nizar Benella to JDK Committer.

Nizar is a recently new member of the Oracle LangTools team,
after completing an initial internship here. He has been working
on "checkers" for the JDK documentation, such as the checker
for "@since" tags, and now a series of checkers to check the
basic low-level details of the overall generated API documentation.
He currently has 30 contributions to OpenJDK, and while they
may individually be small they are numerous enough to warrant
being promoted to be a Committer.

Votes are due by COB September 12, 2024

Only current JDK Committers [1] are eligible to vote
on this nomination.  Votes must be cast in the open by replying
to this mailing list.

For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2].

-- Jonathan Gibbons


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