Does OpenJDK publish a changelog?

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at
Wed Feb 14 08:16:58 UTC 2024

> I believe I am suffering the effects of this bug

Hi Graham , the change related to JDK-8303465 is in jdk21, you can see it on the github repo of jdk21u :

The change was in jdk21 from the start (first release / GA );  otherwise you would see the  update release number in the backports part of  .

Best regards, Matthias

-----Original Message-----
From: jdk-dev <jdk-dev-retn at> On Behalf Of Graham Leggett
Sent: Tuesday, 13 February 2024 23:34
To: jdk-dev at
Subject: Does OpenJDK publish a changelog?

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Hi all,

Does OpenJDK publish a changelog?

I ask because I am running what I believe is the latest version of openjdk v21, I believe I am suffering the effects of this bug, however the bug is marked fixed. There are two options before me, the openjdk I am running does not contain the fix, or the bug isn’t fixed.

Ordinarily I would look for the changelog of the release, and that would give a concrete answer as to whether I have the fixed code or I have not. Unfortunately I cannot find any kind of changelog.

The bug above is listed as being fixed in “21” in jira, but this doesn’t give any detail as to which version of 21.

The developer site doesn’t contain the word “changelog”, and google is noise. Can someone confirm where the canonical list of changes can be found?

For clarity I am talking about code published by openjdk only, I am not referring to any distro or third party code.


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