CFV: New JDK Committer: Ben Perez

Anthony Scarpino anthony.scarpino at
Wed Jul 31 22:13:54 UTC 2024

Vote: yes

> On Jul 31, 2024, at 6:34 AM, Sean Mullan <sean.mullan at> wrote:
> I hereby nominate Ben Perez to JDK Committer.
> Ben is a member of the Security Libraries team at Oracle and has contributed 16 fixes to the JDK Project [3]. He is also working on an ML-DSA implementation for Post-Quantum Cryptography [4].
> Votes are due by August 14, 2024, 14:00 UTC.
> Only current JDK Committers [1] are eligible to vote on this nomination.  Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this mailing list.
> For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2].
> Sean Mullan
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

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