Improving OpenJDK for FreeBSD

Harald Eilertsen haraldei at
Fri Feb 14 12:41:00 UTC 2025

Hi Antonio,

On Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 01:05:04PM +0100, Antonio wrote:
> Talking about testing, even though it may seem premature. Are there any
> plans to test different JDK versions on FreeBSD on different platforms?

Yes, a part of my work will also be to set up a CI pipeline for the
port. I don't know where that will be for now, but it's on the roadmap.
I think it's probably about time to start thinking about that now :)

> these tests run in Maybe the jtreg test reports
> will be made publicly available in

As said I don't know yet, but that's a likely choice.

For the record, here's the jtreg test summary for the PR i made (with
one additional change, but nothing substantial):

 Test summary
    TEST                                              TOTAL  PASS  FAIL ERROR
 >> jtreg:test/hotspot/jtreg:tier1                     2642  2606    36     0
    jtreg:test/jdk:tier1                               2450  2450     0     0
    jtreg:test/langtools:tier1                         4603  4603     0     0
    jtreg:test/jaxp:tier1                                 0     0     0     0
    jtreg:test/lib-test:tier1                            35    35     0     0

Not quite there, but better than the existing JDK23u port for FreeBSD.

> Also, I've noticed you've already have jtreg working on FreeBSD [1] (for the
> upcoming jtreg 7.6?). But each JDK version uses different jtreg versions
> [2]. Are you planning a jtreg port in FreeBSD for these older versions?

So far I've just used the jtreg main branch to run the jdk tests, so I
haven't thought about it. But that's a good point, and I will look into

> PS: If strictly required I may be able to help with macos/aarch64 testing as
> time permits.

That would be really helpful! I'll try to manage without, but will let
you know if it's needed.

Thanks a lot!

Harald Eilertsen
Eilertsens Kodeknekkeri

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