hg: jdk/sandbox: Remove jarsigner. Standard new FIXPATH for all java tools. Misc fixes and cleanup.

magnus.ihse.bursie at oracle.com magnus.ihse.bursie at oracle.com
Wed Jun 10 23:10:07 UTC 2020

Changeset: 5bdfcdfbca7e
Author:    ihse
Date:      2020-06-11 01:05 +0200
URL:       https://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/sandbox/rev/5bdfcdfbca7e

Remove jarsigner. Standard new FIXPATH for all java tools. Misc fixes and  cleanup.

! make/RunTestsPrebuilt.gmk
! make/RunTestsPrebuiltSpec.gmk
! make/TestImage.gmk
! make/autoconf/basic_tools.m4
! make/autoconf/boot-jdk.m4
! make/autoconf/bootcycle-spec.gmk.in
! make/autoconf/spec.gmk.in
! make/autoconf/toolchain.m4

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