RFR [10] 8194554: filterArguments runs multiple filters in the wrong order

Aleksey Shipilev shade at redhat.com
Tue Apr 10 10:21:12 UTC 2018

On 04/10/2018 08:42 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 09/04/2018 18:58, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> I am supportive of this change (the risk to impacting order-dependent stateful MH filter code is
>> smaller than the risk of hitting a string concatenation bug). (We erred on the side of this being
>> a bug and not being a spec change given the pseudo-code in the Java doc.)
>> IIRC this will require a nod of approval from the project lead.
>> Paul.
> I think this is a CSR for Java SE 11 first as it adds a testable assertion to the spec and also
> changes existing behavior.

Ok, fine! Paul, can you submit the CSR for this?


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