Timeline for 11.0.4 development
Andrew John Hughes
gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Wed Apr 3 00:50:48 UTC 2019
On 02/04/2019 22:09, Lindenmaier, Goetz wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> I proposed the tagging date here, and didn't get any objections:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk-updates-dev/2019-February/000648.html
> Monday is not good for me, Tuesday would work.
> It's because I check our testing before I pick a change
> to tag.
> Currently, on Tuesday I have a look whether the build of
> Monday evening is fine. If not, I can try to do an emergency fix
> on Tuesday working day.
> Our infrastructure pulls on Tuesday evening, tests,
> and Wednesday morning I tag the change that was tested.
> If I see severe regressions, I will open bugs.
> On Wednesday, I merge the tag to jdk11u-dev, and Wednesday
> evening build and tests start for jdk11u-dev with the new
> tag merged.
> This I push on Thursday.
> ... I could do all this one day more early, starting Monday.
> Further, on Mondays, every once in a while our machines
> are down because IT did some 'harmless' maintenance to
> our servers on the weekend. Then we don't have builds or tests.
> If you pick a fixed date, like 1st of the month, it's
> always a varying weekday. This is confusing and
> not well aligned with a weekly tag.
> Anyways, you can clone any day after the freeze
> was announced, this is not observable
> Best regards,
> Goetz.
Sorry, I missed that announcement. There's been a lot of traffic on both
lists and it's been hard to keep track at times.
I'm happy for you to decide the day as you're doing the work.
As to the date of the freeze, I suggested the 1st because it was a known
date on every cycle. Doing it earlier works in my favour, so I'm not
going to argue against that too strongly! I'm just aware that people
were still pushing changes on the 1st this time around.
Obviously, the problem of using the last tagging date of the month
before (March, June, September and December) has its own problems, as it
varies how much time people have to commit. It could mean the last date
is as early as a week before (not sure if you intend to have the last
tag on Wednesday the 1st if it falls that way, or the Wednesday before).
However, this doesn't seem too problematic if it is announced clearly
well in advance, as you have here. Also, putting it on the wiki is a
good idea, as things get lost in all this e-mail.
In short, I'm happy to go with this schedule and freeze after you tag on
the 26th.
Do you plan a similar schedule for 8u?
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)
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