Classify JDK-8219890 and JDK-8208656 as critical in JBS
Andrew John Hughes
gnu.andrew at
Wed Apr 10 15:32:54 UTC 2019
On 10/04/2019 09:05, Langer, Christoph wrote:
> However, for the public JBS part I'd like to have some tagging to the visible bugs that go into a CPU. I think the "critical" labels would be a good way to do this. This of course will not mean that a change can/will be pushed to the dev codelines in advance such as the Japanese era stuff. But these tags will give the complete picture when comparing the contents of the OpenJDK community release with the Oracle release.
As I say, I have no real issue with this either way.
And, the information about public bugs being part of a CPU was always
visible for Oracle updates via the JBS backport items. Though you could
not see the actual fix obviously.
Yeah, you're not going to have that in this case as I can't push to
jdk8u without rebasing the entire CPU (the CPU patches appear before the
Japanese fixes & the imminent performance regression fix)
> Maybe there's some feedback from other people about this?
> Thanks
> Christoph
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (
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