RFR: 8222334: java -Xss0 triggers StackOverflowError

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Fri Apr 12 07:42:42 UTC 2019

Hi Patrick,

Please takes this to core-libs-dev for review.


On 12/04/2019 5:24 pm, Patrick Zhang OS wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review this patch.
> The problem is that the launcher does a check on the input -Xss and 
> ensure it >=64K for the initial thread, while vm has another function to 
> determine whether the input stack size is big enough to future threads, 
> such as cgc_thread, vm_thread, java_thead etc. However if -Xss0, the 
> initial thread is created with stack size 64K, while others use 
> hotspot/system default sizes, which would trigger StackOverflowError. We 
> could either fine tune the threshold 64K to be a bigger one, or have the 
> initial thread created with system defaults that may be what the user 
> expects. This patch chooses the second solution, to avoid potential 
> side-effect of the first.
> This can be reproduced with 10, 11, 12 too, so I cc’ed jdk-updates-dev here.
> More details please refer to the ticket.
> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8222334
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~qpzhang/8222334/webrev.01/
> Thanks for David’s comments in Jira.
> Regards
> Patrick

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