OpenJDK 11.0.3 Released

Jones, Philip philip.m.jones at
Wed Apr 17 07:13:20 UTC 2019

Sorry, re-formatting to make it readable as plain text


Can I check the CVEs referenced below?
Oracle put out their update a few hours later and the Java items they pulled out refer to two CVEs

CVE-2019-2602 Java SE, Java SE Embedded Libraries
CVE-2019-2684 Java SE, Java SE Embedded RMI

and your email refers to 3 security fixes and also has two CVEs

New in OpenJDK 11.0.3:
* Security fixes
  - S8211936, CVE-2019-2602: Better String parsing
  - S8214809: CDS storage improvements
  - S8218453, CVE-2019-2698: More dynamic RMI interactions

The first, CVE-2019-2602, matches up exactly.
The second Oracle announced CVE, CVE-2019-2684, does not occur in your email.

On there is detail of this and it says:

Bugzilla:1700564: CVE-2019-2684 OpenJDK: Incorrect skeleton selection in RMI registry server-side dispatch handling (RMI, 8218453)

All that matches up with the third fix you list, so RMI and 8218453 all tie up, but the CVE you refer to is CVE-2019-2698.

The detail for that says:

Bugzilla:1700447: CVE-2019-2698 OpenJDK: Font layout engine out of bounds access setCurrGlyphID() (2D, 8219022)

So is a different issue.


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