8u-critical and 11u-critical request cleanup

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at sap.com
Tue Apr 23 10:11:27 UTC 2019

Hi Andrew,

as the April CPUs have been released and the July CPUs were not yet branched to jdk8u and jdk11u, I'd like to ask you to clean up the critical request labels on a few bugs.

For OpenJDK 8 updates, please look at this filter:

Both bugs were part of the CPU and should hence be flagged 8u-critical-yes to reflect their actual state.

For OpenJDK 11 updates, have a look here:

I think for JDK-8222397 and JDK-8170494, you have accidentally set the 11u-critical flag when approving them this morning for jdk11u-dev. And the other two bugs are Japanese era bugs being part of the April CPU, so should be flagged 11u-critical-yes.


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