[11u]: 8u222 & 11.0.4 release schedule

Andrew John Hughes gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Fri Apr 26 17:24:57 UTC 2019

On 26/04/2019 18:10, Langer, Christoph wrote:


> I don't fully get your point here... so, are you saying we should also tag in jdk8u/jdk11u vs jdk8u-dev/jdk11u-dev until RDP2?
> The former has the disadvantage that there's some more merging back and forth and we'll probably see more merge changesets...
> Or do you mean to say something else? ��
> Thanks
> Christoph

I was agreeing with what I interpreted you to be saying, which I believe

During RDP1:

1. Tag in jdk8u-dev/jdk11u-dev
2. Pull into jdk8u / jdk11u

and thus the tag will be in both repositories.

In RDP2:

1. Tag in jdk8u / jdk11u
2. Pull into jdk8u-dev / jdk11u-dev

with again the end result being that the tag is in both repos.

During both stages, someone not involved in development can ignore
jdk8u-dev & jdk11u-dev and just pull each new tag from jdk8u & jdk11u
for builds & testing.

I think that keeps things simpler for downstreams who primarily want to
consume the results rather than participate in their production.

Hope that's clearer,
Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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