[11u]: 8u222 & 11.0.4 release schedule

Andrew John Hughes gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Mon Apr 29 17:45:29 UTC 2019

On 29/04/2019 15:50, Lindenmaier, Goetz wrote:
> Hi,
> To put this into concrete steps, is it ok if I do the following?:
> In jdk11u:
> Tuesday between 12:00 and 18:00 CE(S)T
> hg pull
> hg tag;
> run tests and build
> Wednesday between 12:00 and 18:00 (after tests completed):
> hg pull/hg merge if necessary.
> hg push --> publishes the tag to 11u

As it stands, this is going to mean testing and tagging nothing, because
jdk11u is at 11.0.3-ga.

> hg pull jdk11u-dev  --> this is skipped after 2019-05-28
> hg merge
> hg push --> brings the latest changes from 11u-dev to 11u
>                      They can be tested 6 days in 11u.

Whereas the jdk11u-dev changes are not being tested.

> In jdk11u-dev:
> Wednesday before 18:00 CE(S)T
> hg pull 
> hg pull jdk11u
> hg merge 
> run tests and build
> Thursday after tests completed: 
> hg pull/hg merge if necessary.
> hg push --> brings the latest changes and the tag from 11u to 11u-dev
> Best regards,
>   Goetz.

This was my thinking (and thus my plan for 8u):

Development stage (2019-05-01 to 2019-05-29):


$ hg pull
<build & run tests>
If all good:

$ hg tag jdk-11.0.4+x
$ hg push


$ hg pull
$ hg pull jdk11u-dev
$ hg merge (if necessary)

I don't think a merge should be necessary as jdk11u-dev is a superset of
jdk11u and that merge has already been performed in pulling
jdk-11.0.3-ga into jdk11u-dev.

At rampdown: jdk11u-dev is tagged jdk-11.0.5+0

Rampdown stage (2019-06-05 to 2019-06-26):


$ hg pull
<build & run tests>
If all good:

$ hg tag jdk-11.0.4+y
$ hg push


$ hg pull
$ hg pull jdk11u
$ hg merge

Merging will be necessary as jdk11u will contain 11.0.5 changes by this

In other words, the same process takes place in both stages, but the
repositories switch roles; in the development stage, jdk11u-dev is the
master receiving changes and is merged into jdk11u, while in the
rampdown stage, jdk11u is now receiving changes for that release and is
merged into jdk11u-dev.

What testing do you do? And what would be regarded as a showstopper?

One of my aims this time around is to do more frequent downstream merges
so I can test each tag on a wider range of architectures, and not be
caught out by arch-specific build failures late in the cycle.

Best regards,
Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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