[aarch64-port-dev ] [11u] RFR 8228400: Remove built-in AArch64 simulator

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Thu Aug 1 17:31:52 UTC 2019

On 8/1/19 8:41 AM, Andrew Dinn wrote:
> On 01/08/2019 01:41, Andrew Haley wrote:
>> In general, I don't think that source code cleanups should be done to
>> old releases; apart from anything else it messes up the diffs. We
>> don't fix whitespace in old code for the same reason.
> In this case I don't think that applies (in full force) for the reason
> you gave next  ...

Yep. That's why I wrote it: this is a dilemma.

>> However, there is a point I accept: one could argue that in a sense
>> the 8u backport is "new", so perhaps a cleanup is justified for that
>> reason.
> You are correct that applying these changes to 11u will add differences
> when comparing old and new 11u code around the removal. However, it will
> also avoid such differences when backporting upstream fixes through 11u
> into 8u. I think the latter is the more important side of the equation.


OK, I'll withdraw my objection in this special case, and because the
code in question is aarch64-port, not mainline 8u. But please, let's
not do this any more. No "cleanups" to historically-archived code.

Andrew Haley  (he/him)
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <https://www.redhat.com>
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