Fwd: Backport proposal of the Marlin renderer in OpenJDK8

Laurent Bourgès bourges.laurent at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 08:44:16 UTC 2019

Sorry, I forgot to send the email on the correct list (but
jdk8u-dev at openjdk.java.net)


---------- Forwarded message ---------
De : Laurent Bourgès <bourges.laurent at gmail.com>
Date: mer. 7 août 2019 à 10:05
Subject: Backport proposal of the Marlin renderer in OpenJDK8
To: <jdk8u-dev at openjdk.java.net>, Andrew Haley <aph at redhat.com>, Mario
Torre <neugens at redhat.com>
Cc: Phil Race <philip.race at oracle.com>, Sergey Bylokhov <
Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com>, Martijn Verburg <martijnverburg at gmail.com>


I want to discuss the opportunity to provide the Marlin renderer in
OpenJDK8 updates.

FYI it is the java2d antialiasing renderer that replaced Pisces in OpenJDK9
(integrated in 2015) that provide both better quality and performance.
I am still maintaining the code on github, openjdk and openjfx.
FYI the Marlin renderer has a very efficient path clipper since v0.9
integrated in OpenJDK11 (2018.7).
Very few bugs (<5) were reported since 2015.

Risks: azul zulu 8 and jetbrains jdk8 provide the Marlin renderer as their
default renderer and it runs in production for years.
I am aware that amazon corretto would like to have it backported too.
AdoptOpenJDK already mentioned such possible backport on their web pages.

Finally I propose to
- make a large patch (same marlin version as latest openjdk 14 ie
to easily backport fixes in the future
- leave it disabled by default. It will depend on the provider to enable it
in its binary releases.


Laurent Bourgès

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