[11u]: Request for help with backport of 8230706: Waiting on completion of strong nmethod processing causes long pause times with G1

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at sap.com
Mon Dec 2 09:09:29 UTC 2019

Hi all,

the bug "JDK-8230706: Waiting on completion of strong nmethod processing causes long pause times with G1" is currently without backport to OpenJDK 11u.

There is an upstream fix in jdk/jdk available but it seems to be quite different and more extensive, compared to a small fix that Oracle claims to have done in their 11.0.6 update release. As Oracle's 11u fix is not publicly available, somebody would have to step up and propose a patch for 11u, otherwise we'll have to accept that this issue can't be fixed in OpenJDK11u. So my call for help goes out to anybody willing and able to provide a fix for this in 11u.

In case anybody is working on this, please reply to this mail.


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