[11u] Downport closed changes?

Lindenmaier, Goetz goetz.lindenmaier at sap.com
Fri Dec 13 11:42:57 UTC 2019


Although Oracle has the policy to push only changes that have
publicly visible JBS bugs, they once in a while push changes
where the bug is hidden. 
Currently, we can see which changes are downported by Oracle
to their internal 11u project, and do so for OpenJDK, too.
This is not the case for such closed bugs.

Therefore I enumerated these closed bugs and want to ask
the 11u community to scan the list and eventually downport 
changes that seem useful in 11u.

Overall, there are 78 bugs to look at, see this list:

Often, Oracle engineers are so friendly to open up the issues 
if asked to do so.  This is helpful to process a downport to 11.

Find the script to generate the content of the list at the bottom.

Best regards,

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