Open JDK 8 Road Map

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at
Thu Dec 19 13:55:11 UTC 2019

Hi Joshi,

the right list for this question is rather jdk8u-dev at o.j.n, so I'm sending my response there and put jdk-updates-dev on bcc.

Since RedHat is the maintainer of OpenJDK8 and OpenJDK11, I guess you can bear with their statements about support. You can find this article:

So I assume, as long as RedHat supports OpenJDK 8, you can be quite sure that there will be periodic security updates.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: jdk-updates-dev <jdk-updates-dev-bounces at> On
> Behalf Of Dheeraj Joshi
> Sent: Dienstag, 20. August 2019 07:14
> To: jdk-updates-dev at
> Subject: Open JDK 8 Road Map
> How long Open JDK 8 is supported by
> We are currently analyzing impact of upgrading from Java 8 to Java 11. We
> need to know for how long JDK 8 will get periodic security upgrades and
> general patches for JDK 8 from
> Is there a Road map available for public viewing?
> Kind Regards
> Dheeraj Joshi

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