jdk11u and -oracle versions
Volker Simonis
volker.simonis at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 17:10:17 UTC 2019
Hi Aleksey,
we've partially covered these topics at the Committers Workshop, but I
agree that we haven't come to a universal solution yet :)
On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 12:02 PM Aleksey Shipilev <shade at redhat.com> wrote:
> Look at this issue:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8204142
> It has jdk11u-fix-request and jdk11u-fix-yes labels. And it has backport that mentions
> 11.0.3-oracle. And there are *no* relevant changesets in jdk-updates/jdk11u:
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk-updates/jdk11u/log?rev=8204142
> I have a few questions at this point:
> a) What is 11.0.3-oracle, and why indeed it is in openjdk bug tracker?
"11.0.3-oracle" is an Oracle-internal repository which we won't see. I
think it is OK if Oracle uses JBS for both. OpenJDK and Oracle JDK
releases (after all, it's their bug system :) In the end it can even
help the community to see what Oracle will downport into their
commercial update releases.
I had a short chat with Andrew H. regarding this topic. I proposed to
"automatically" downport all the changes which Oracle downports to
their closed updated releases. "Automatically" is a little misleading
in this context because it would surely require manual interaction of
the corresponding update maintainer (which we don't have for 11u yet).
It is "automatic" in the sense that, until now, we can see what Oracle
is downporting (at least for non-closed bugs).
The thing with the "jdk11u-fix-yes" label is a little confusing
though. I suppose Oracle was (or maybe still is) using it for their
own, closed downports but if I remember right, somebody from Oracle
mentioned at FOSDEM that they already have (or will have) a special,
"jdk11uoracle-fix-yes" label in the future. Maybe somebody from Oracle
can comment on this topic?
In the end, I think it is good, if Oracle will stay transparent in JBS
with regards to update releases. In an ideal world, we could then take
over all their downports in the same way as they could take all the
community downports. This would keep the Oracle and OpenJDK update
releases in sync feature-wise which would be definitely nice for the
Java community.
> b) Where is the pushed changeset? Is it in some Oracle-private tree? I assumed jdk*u-fix* tags are
> for openjdk repositories, so issues have to be pushed to openjdk repositories, not some Oracle
> internal repo?
> Thanks,
> -Aleksey
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