CSRs and OpenJDK (11.0.3) Updates

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at sap.com
Tue Feb 19 08:08:05 UTC 2019

Hi David,

> First, the CSR Group doesn't consist only of Oracle people - Doug Lea is
> also a member.

Ok, ok, I shot out of my hip ��

> Second, it's unusual to "backport" a CSR request, but may be needed if
> the backported fix has different compatibility concerns on the backport
> version than the main version. IMHO the backport of the CSR for
> 11.0.3-oracle applies exactly the same to 11.0.3 as it does to
> 11.0.3-oracle and I would think it a waste of everyone's time to create
> a third backport for 11.0.3. But that is for the 11u maintainers to decide.

So, do you say, it's not a requirement to downport CSRs but sometimes done on the updates maintainers request at their discretion? I was under the impression that CSR downports are mandatory. Maybe there's some lack in process documentation here?

Other than that, I fully agree that it should suffice for OpenJDK update downports to refer to Oracle CSR backports for the same update releases.


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