jdk11 updates: furhter process and tagging

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at sap.com
Tue Feb 26 10:18:37 UTC 2019


I’ve seen that jdk11u-dev is there [0]. Yey. ��

As per the usual tagging in update releases (for details I suggest to read JDK-8180946 [1]), I propose to add the following tags now:
1. Add tag jdk-11.0.4+0 to jdk11u-dev
2. Add tag jdk-11.0.3+1 to jdk11u

For 11u-dev it basically means that this is the moment when we start working on 11.0.4 in there.
For 11u the new tag is motivated by the fact that all targeted 11.0.3 updates are contained in the repo and some comprehensive testing has been done (at SAP and at RedHat, I suppose).

If you concur, I would set both tags.

Further tagging shall be done in jdk11u once additional fixes arrive and testing has proved that no regressions have been introduced. Eventually, we’ll also need to define our testing and quality criteria. Until we have that, I propose the SAP team and the RedHat team shall sync about their quality status before adding a further tag. Are there any other contributors that can/want to help with quality assessment at this point?

I also suggest that as of now our criteria for accepting fixes to jkd11u will be similar to those of RDP2 of JEP 3 [2]:
- P1 and P2 issues
- Issues that Oracle brings to 11.0.3-oracle
- Test fixes

All fixes, obviously, will need maintainer approval.

Thanks & Best regards

[0] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk-updates/jdk11u-dev/
[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8180946
[2] https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/3

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