jdk11 updates: furhter process and tagging

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at sap.com
Wed Feb 27 13:24:58 UTC 2019

Hi Andrew,

> > > As per the usual tagging in update releases (for details I suggest to read
> > JDK-8180946 [1]), I propose to add the following tags now:
> > > 1. Add tag jdk-11.0.4+0 to jdk11u-dev
> > > 2. Add tag jdk-11.0.3+1 to jdk11u
> >
> > Sounds good.
> Fine. So I'll add the tags tomorrow as proposed.
> I'd also ask you to approve https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-
> 8219710 as the first change for 11.04. I would push it after 11.0.4+0 then.

I've pushed the tags and JDK-8219710 (thanks for approving).

If you all agree we can now open jdk11u-dev for updates that go into 11.0.4. In that case I'd ask you to communicate this in a separate mail to this list, strongly pointing out and emphasizing that pushes need to go to jdk11u-dev (to reduce the cases where Aleksey will come and say "I told you" ��). And you can then start the regular business of going through the "jdk11u-fix-request" list and approve the items.

Best regards

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