OpenJDK Patching Process

Mathiske, Bernd mathiske at
Mon Jan 21 16:23:08 UTC 2019

JDK 10 has been deprecated since October and is now recalled. There is zero support for it, as for each non-LTS Java release after 4 months of its appearance. JDK 8 and 11 are LTS releases.

BTW, security updates are released quarterly.

On 1/21/19, 8:03 AM, "jdk-updates-dev on behalf of Rob McKenna" <jdk-updates-dev-bounces at on behalf of rob.mckenna at> wrote:

    Apologies Ken, this appeared to get trapped by the mail filter. (and
    wasn't released the last time I did this for some reason)
    I'm hoping the release model is clearer at this point, but for
    completeness sake: yes, an upgrade to 11 would have been required as
    10.0.2 was the final release for JDK 10. (and 10.0.2 GA'd in July 2018)
    On 23/08/18 13:31, Ken Heatherly wrote:
    > All -
    > Trying to get a handle on the OpenJDK patching process with recent changes to release methodology and cadence.  With 6 month OpenJDK releases now happening, for what duration will the n-1 version of OpenJDK be patched once the n version is released for GA?  For example, OpenJDK 11 is GA September 25, 2018.  If a security issue is recognized on OpenJDK 10 in October 2018, will a critical patch be created for OpenJDK 10 to address, or will upgrade to Open JDK 11 be required in order to receive the critical update.
    > Any guidance/direction is appreciated.
    > Regards,
    > Ken Heatherly
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