[RFR] [11u] 11.0.4+11

Andrew John Hughes gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Tue Jul 16 20:27:26 UTC 2019

Here are the remaining changes for the jdk11u repository:

Webrev: https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~andrew/openjdk11/11.0.4/

  - S8212328, CVE-2019-2762: Exceptional throw cases
  - S8213431, CVE-2019-2766: Improve file protocol handling
  - S8213432, CVE-2019-2769: Better copies of CopiesList
  - S8216381, CVE-2019-2786: More limited privilege usage
  - S8217563: Improve realm maintenance
  - S8218863: Better endpoint checks
  - S8218873: Improve JSSE endpoint checking
  - S8218876, CVE-2019-7317: Improve PNG support options
  - S8219775: Certificate validation improvements
  - S8220517: Enhanced GIF support
  - S8221345, CVE-2019-2818: Better Poly1305 support
  - S8221518, CVE-2019-2816: Normalize normalization
  - S8222678, CVE-2019-2821: Improve TLS negotiation

The result is tagged 11.0.4+11 and 11.0.4-ga.

Ok to push?

Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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