jdk11u-dev is now switched to 11.0.5
Andrew John Hughes
gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Tue Jun 4 19:40:36 UTC 2019
On 03/06/2019 18:40, Andrew Haley wrote:
> On 6/3/19 3:49 PM, Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>> snip...
>>> That imposes a strict ordering: review first, then approval. I think
>>> that approval and review can run in parallel: we don't want to fully
>>> review every backport patch twice.
>> The Oracle process I'm familiar with is sequential:
>> "Additionally the comment should note whether the patch from the JDK
>> Project applies cleanly. If not, the fix MUST be codereviewed in public
>> and a public url to that review MUST be provided in the comment." [2]
>> Under 8u, the approval e-mail used to refer to the review thread.
>> I'm not suggesting reviewing every backport twice, but I also don't see
>> how you can approve something if you don't know what you're approving.
> Maybe, but the patch itself has already been reviewed: all you're approving
> is an already-reviewed patch. So maybe the patch itself is interesting, but
> maybe not. The question for the approver is whether this patch is worth doing,
> not whether it's a good patch: we already know it is.
If the operations are proceeding sequentially, then yes, the patch has
already been reviewed.
If you allow approval to take place concurrently, then the review
process may still be in progress or may not yet have started.
To what extent is approval based on the idea and to what extent on the
implementation? A concurrent approval process works if it is just
approving the idea, but, in reality, it is the approval of a specific
implementation which may differ from the version previously applied to
other JDK versions and have different consequences in this new context.
As examples, the backporting process may have to make significant
alterations to the code changes, so as not to alter public API, or to
the build & test changes, due to differences in those systems. The
viability of those additional changes depends on the review of the
backport, not the original patch.
>> Keeping them sequential simplifies the process, because any fix that is
>> approved has then also been reviewed, and so is only waiting on push.
>> If the review begins or continues after approval, you end up with
>> approved bugs that are not yet ready for push. This has been causing
>> confusion for me with our "Approved requests without push" filter [3],
>> with bugs listed in there that weren't even posted for review at one point.
> That's a tooling problem IMO.
>> I do suspect my perspective may be clouded by the fact I end up doing
>> both review & approval for most 8u patches.
> I think so. These are different tasks,and having one person doing both
> at once, essential as a single job, makes a nonsense of the
> separation.
This may be true, but I don't see an easy solution to either.
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)
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