[11u] Code Freeze Exception

Andrew John Hughes gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Sun Jun 30 23:24:33 UTC 2019

On 28/06/2019 07:41, Langer, Christoph wrote:
> Hi,
>> Yes, we should fix these issues.
>> Andrew, should I add another tag once the changes are in?
> That would be preferrable because we can then merge it down to jdk11u-dev and have the fixes there, too. Otherwise they'd be missing for another 2-3 weeks.
>>>> 2. Roll back JDK-8218960 backport due to JDK-8226876. This is targeted
>>>> as 11.0.5 for Oracle anyway.
>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8226876
>>> Seems, there is a simple fix upcoming for the regression:
>>> https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/i18n-dev/2019-June/002870.html
>>> I'd vote for taking the fix over to 11.0.4. Then we don't need to care for re-
>>> applying the fix and the patch.
>>> Andrew, shall I push both things to jdk11u? When is your deadline to not
>>> unduly hold up your CPU work?
>> To me, it seems more simple to roll back 8218960, as we can do this
>> right now. Or do you expect other follow up issues if we roll it back,
>> Christoph?   But if your schedule admits it, Andrew, we can also
>> go for the fix.
> Naoto plans to push the fix to jdk13 tonight as per https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/i18n-dev/2019-June/002875.html
> So, we could run another testcycle with both fixes here during the weekend and then push and tag Monday morning. Andrew, is that the plan we should go for?
> /Christoph

Sorry for the late reply. I've been busy wrapping up 8u.

Yes, that sounds good to me. I'll keep an eye out for the new tag.

Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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