[8u, 11u] Wiki Page updates
Langer, Christoph
christoph.langer at sap.com
Thu Mar 14 13:25:29 UTC 2019
Hi Andrew,
> >> As I said yesterday [0], I think we need a label for fixes that are in
> >> 8u-dev but are candidates for the current 8u after the initial
> >> integration. Leaving this to bug comments makes them hard for us to find.
> >>
> >> I suggest 8u-CPU-critical-request and 11u-CPU-critical-request as
> >> previously used [1].
> >
> > I think it sounds reasonable. We can use jdk8u-critical-request and jdk11u-
> critical-request, since we are not planning to ship CPUs in OpenJDK. This will
> avoid namespace collisions with Oracle.
> >
> > I also think this should not only apply for changes that are already in jdk8u-
> dev/jdk11u-dev and shall be brought to jdk8u/jdk11u but also for direct
> pushes into jdk8u/jdk11u.
> >
> > What do other people think, especially aph? If we agree on it, I'll update
> this part in the wiki and we can start living up to it.
> >
> That sounds fine to me. Presumably, these would be paired with
> jdk8u-critical-approved and jdk11u-critical-approved.
Ok, let's wait a bit for further feedback to this. But if I don't get objections, I'll amend that to the process description on the wiki page and I'll also create appropriate JBS filters which we'd need then.
Best regards
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