Coordinating the build number for 11.0.3
Langer, Christoph
christoph.langer at
Sat Mar 30 19:54:48 UTC 2019
Hi Gil, Andrew,
I don't really like the idea to define the exact build number beforehand with leap space for additional builds.
However, I can see that it would be helpful for distributions that want to release a binary right at the release day without waiting for the public release of the CPU changes, then picking them up, merging, triggering builds and do regression testing. Doing so will obviously delay the availability of the binaries and incurs some uncalculatable risk regarding merging and regressions.
So, maybe we can agree that the final build number will always be the publicly visible build number + 1. Andrew, not knowing your exact processes regarding the handling of CPU changes, would you think you'd be able to commit to that?
Best regards
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jdk-updates-dev <jdk-updates-dev-bounces at> On
> Behalf Of Andrew John Hughes
> Sent: Samstag, 30. März 2019 03:19
> To: jdk-updates-dev at
> Subject: Re: Coordinating the build number for 11.0.3
> On 29/03/2019 22:02, Gil Tene wrote:
> > As we approach the April update and the release of 11.0.3 by the
> > JDK11u project, I'd like to suggest a coordination of the eventual
> > build number that we expect to use for the actual released build in
> > the project (after integration of security fixes that are being worked
> > on in the dark).
> >
> > Since the build number is a part of the versions string per JEP 322,
> > and since this is the most specific part of the version string that is
> > common across the various binary distributions (e.g.
> > Azul Zulu, AdoptOpenJDK, Corretto, Liberica, Red Hat, etc.), it
> > is useful for us all to use the same build number when we release
> > the first build of a new update of 11u. This has been the practice in
> > the past. E.g. for 11.0.2, we all aligned on the same "build 11.0.2+9"
> > in the version string.
> >
> > Since the update itself is time sensitive, and it is useful to commence
> > testing ahead of time, knowing the build number to use in the builds
> > we test would be helpful in getting the builds ready to go ASAP once
> > the release is finalized.
> >
> > So, I propose that we pre-choose a build number for the anticipated
> > April release of 11.0.3. I have no strong opinions on what that number
> > should be. It should probably not overlap with past or current builds of
> > 11.0.3 in 11u, and "leaving room" (a gap of a few integer spaces
> > between the current build numbers and the anticipated one) is probably
> > a good idea.
> >
> > — Gil.
> >
> Well, it's already at 5:
> So I would expect the CPU additions to make it 6, but it may have to go
> higher if issues arise.
> --
> Andrew :)
> Senior Free Java Software Engineer
> Red Hat, Inc. (
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