[11u] RFR 8210782: Upgrade HarfBuzz to the latest 2.3.1

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at sap.com
Tue May 7 14:15:56 UTC 2019

Ping: Can I please get a review for this?

From: Langer, Christoph
Sent: Dienstag, 30. April 2019 11:26
To: jdk-updates-dev at openjdk.java.net
Cc: 2d-dev <2d-dev at openjdk.java.net>; build-dev at openjdk.java.net; Baesken, Matthias <matthias.baesken at sap.com>
Subject: [11u] RFR 8210782: Upgrade HarfBuzz to the latest 2.3.1


please help reviewing the backport of JDK-8210782: Upgrade HarfBuzz to the latest 2.3.1.

This has been backported to 11.0.4-oracle already. I took the large change down to 11u-dev. It applies quite nicely, apart from a little issue in make/lib/Awt2dLibraries.gmk:

--- Awt2dLibraries.gmk
+++ Awt2dLibraries.gmk
@@ -613,8 +614,7 @@
         type-limits missing-field-initializers implicit-fallthrough \
         strict-aliasing undef unused-function, \
     DISABLED_WARNINGS_CXX_gcc := reorder delete-non-virtual-dtor strict-overflow \
-        maybe-uninitialized \
-        missing-attributes class-memaccess, \
+        maybe-uninitialized class-memaccess, \
     DISABLED_WARNINGS_clang := unused-value incompatible-pointer-types \
         tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare int-to-pointer-cast \
         sign-compare undef missing-field-initializers, \

The original change would remove the disabling of the "missing-attributes" warnings, but since this warning type is not disabled in jdk11u-dev currently, I would just skip that diff.

With that change, most platforms did build fine, except for Solaris (where we use Oracle Studio 12u4 in jdk11u-dev vs Oracle Studio 12u6 in jdk/jdk) and AIX (xlc12 vs. xlc16).

To keep support for Oracle Studio 12u4 for Solaris, I had to remove the warning flag "refmemnoconstr_aggr" from line 622 (as opposed to the original change). Seems that it is not yet supported in OS12u4.

Furthermore, a code tweak had to be done (Thanks, Matthias, for your help here):

--- a/src/java.desktop/share/native/libfontmanager/harfbuzz/hb-subset-cff-common.hh     Fri Mar 01 16:59:19 2019 -0800
+++ b/src/java.desktop/share/native/libfontmanager/harfbuzz/hb-subset-cff-common.hh     Mon Apr 29 16:26:41 2019 +0200
@@ -280,6 +280,10 @@
   str_buff_t     &flatStr;
   bool  drop_hints;
+  // Solaris: OS12u4 complains about "A class with a reference member lacks a user-defined constructor"
+  // so provide the constructor
+  flatten_param_t(str_buff_t& sbt, bool dh) : flatStr(sbt), drop_hints(dh) {}

template <typename ACC, typename ENV, typename OPSET>
@@ -305,7 +309,9 @@
         return false;
       cs_interpreter_t<ENV, OPSET, flatten_param_t> interp;
       interp.env.init (str, acc, fd);
-      flatten_param_t  param = { flat_charstrings[i], drop_hints };
+      // Solaris: OS12u4 does not like the C++11 style init
+      // flatten_param_t  param = { flat_charstrings[i], drop_hints };
+      flatten_param_t  param(flat_charstrings[i], drop_hints);
       if (unlikely (!interp.interpret (param)))
         return false;

For AIX, this tweak had to be added (credit goes to Matthias as well):
diff -r 2b3dbedfbfb9 src/java.desktop/share/native/libfontmanager/harfbuzz/hb-null.hh
--- a/src/java.desktop/share/native/libfontmanager/harfbuzz/hb-null.hh  Fri Mar 01 16:59:19 2019 -0800
+++ b/src/java.desktop/share/native/libfontmanager/harfbuzz/hb-null.hh  Mon Apr 29 16:26:41 2019 +0200
@@ -83,7 +83,9 @@

template <typename T, typename V, typename B>
struct _hb_assign
-{ static inline void value (T &o, const V v) { o = v; } };
+// add cast to please AIX xlc12.1
+//{ static inline void value (T &o, const V v) { o = v; } };
+{ static inline void value (T &o, const V v) { o = (T&) v; } };
template <typename T, typename V>
struct _hb_assign<T, V, _hb_bool_type<(bool) (1 + (unsigned int) T::min_size)> >
{ static inline void value (T &o, const V v) { o.set (v); } };

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8210782
Original Change: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/rev/7c11a7cc7c1d
Review discussion for jdk/jdk: https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/2d-dev/2019-March/009914.html
New Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~clanger/webrevs/8210782.jdk11u/

Thanks & Best regards

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