Mystery meat OpenJDK builds strike again

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at
Tue May 28 08:54:42 UTC 2019

Hi all,


It's one of the challenges, the rest of the world doesn't necessarily know
>> about the new `-ga` tag that we use to designate releases, so we need to go
>> and help them.
> I've also replied separately to this thread (with a meeting request) but
> cut out the OpenJDK mailing lists as it's really the Debian distro list
> that we should be discussing this on.
> If folks feel otherwise, let me know and I'll CC these lists back in.

FYI - I have a call (high bandwidth is required here) with Matthias next
Monday (1100UK time) so I can learn more about the Debian process and what
we can do to align going forward.  I'll report back here or via a Debian
ticket so the conversation and outcomes can be tracked.

if anyone else wants to join on the call then please let me know!


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