[11u]: RFR JDK-8227368: EnumSet.class serialization broken in JDK 9+

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at oracle.com
Thu Sep 5 19:59:12 UTC 2019

On 9/3/19 7:40 AM, Langer, Christoph wrote:
> Hi Stuart,
> I've just reviewed the CSR and added your fix to our test queue. I'll let you know the outcome.
> Once the CSR is approved, will you want to push it to OpenJDK 11u-dev or shall I do it for you? I would probably restore the patch metadata of the commit in jdk/jdk then (https://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk13/rev/7fd4446c02ee)...
> Thanks & Best regards
> Christoph

Hi, thanks for testing. Any results yet?

Thanks also for reviewing the CSR. It's approved now.

Regarding the metadata for the patch, my inclination is for me to be the author 
of the patch and to list Peter among the reviewers. Of course while Peter 
deserves the credit for finding the problem in the first place and for fixing it 
in JDK 13, this "backport" is significantly different from the original bugfix. 
More importantly, I think I should be listed as the author as an indication of 
responsibility for it. That is, if something were to go wrong with this patch, 
I'd be responsible for fixing it. Does that make sense?

I can push the change myself. Is this still ok to go into 11.0.5?


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