[11u] RFR: 8234796: Refactor Handshake::execute to take a more complex type than ThreadClosure

Doerr, Martin martin.doerr at sap.com
Wed Dec 16 11:03:02 UTC 2020

Hi Richard,

thanks for reviewing!

Best regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Reingruber, Richard <richard.reingruber at sap.com>
> Sent: Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2020 11:54
> To: Doerr, Martin <martin.doerr at sap.com>; hotspot-runtime-
> dev at openjdk.java.net; jdk-updates-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Cc: Lindenmaier, Goetz <goetz.lindenmaier at sap.com>
> Subject: RE: [11u] RFR: 8234796: Refactor Handshake::execute to take a more
> complex type than ThreadClosure
> Hi Martin,
> I've compared the proposed change for 11u with the original change. It looks
> good to me.
> Thanks,
> Richard.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: hotspot-runtime-dev <hotspot-runtime-dev-retn at openjdk.java.net>
> On Behalf Of Doerr, Martin
> Sent: Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2020 21:50
> To: hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net; jdk-updates-
> dev at openjdk.java.net
> Cc: Lindenmaier, Goetz <goetz.lindenmaier at sap.com>
> Subject: [CAUTION] [11u] RFR: 8234796: Refactor Handshake::execute to
> take a more complex type than ThreadClosure
> Hi,
> JDK-8234796 is backported to 11.0.11-oracle. I'd like to backport it for parity.
> It's only a refactoring.
> Unfortunately, it doesn't apply cleanly.
> Bug:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8234796
> Original change:
> https://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/rev/99b71c5b02ff
> 11u backport:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mdoerr/8234796_handshake_11u/webrev.00/
> Resolution steps:
> - Manually integrated includes, forward declarations and Copyright updates
> due to different context.
> - Handshake operations (handshake.cpp): Removed _executed field from
> patch which was added by JDK-8191890 which is not in 11u.
> - Skipped "RevokeOneBias" (biasedLocking.cpp) which is also part of JDK-
> 8191890 which is not in 11u.
> - Skipped "DeoptimizeMarkedTC" (deoptimization.cpp) which is part of JDK-
> 8226705 which is not in 11u.
> - Skipped "HandshakeALotTC" (vmThread.cpp) which is part of JDK-8220774
> which is not in 11u.
> - Skipped "NMethodMarkingThreadClosure" (sweeper.cpp) which is part of
> JDK-8132849 which is not in 11u (it was in 11.0.8-oracle, but backed out later
> due to problems).
> - Skipped "ShenandoahUnloadRendezvousClosure" and
> "ZRendezvousClosure" which don't exist in 11u at all.
> (Also uploaded here with complete listing of non-automatically applied
> hunks:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mdoerr/8234796_handshake_11u/8234796_han
> dshake_integration.txt)
> Please review.
> Best regards,
> Martin

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