RFR [jdk11]: 8201349: build broken when configured with --with-zlib=bundled on gcc 7.3

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at sap.com
Fri Feb 21 13:50:09 UTC 2020

Hello, please review this small downport of  8201349 .
Reason is that we run into  warnings as errors, when building  jdk11 on Linux with gcc-7.X  and  with-zlib=bundled .
This adds  the  compiler options

-Wno-unused-function -Wno-implicit-fallthrough

To some compilations e.g. zlib-files   ; these 2 flags are at least supported with gcc-4.7 , gcc-4.8 ,gcc-7 and gcc-8 .

Bug :


jdk/jdk webrev :


adjusted Jdk11 webrev :


Thanks, Matthias

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