Hotspot Express (HSX)

David Holmes david.holmes at
Wed Feb 26 23:18:01 UTC 2020

On 27/02/2020 2:12 am, Hohensee, Paul wrote:
> And, when jdk17 ships, it would affect only jdk17u.

If that is the case then I do not understand what is being discussed. To 
support HSX doesn't it mean that all current JVM feature work would have 
to be gated off specific JDK version checks, and that no cleanups 
involving code related to older JDKs could be done? Otherwise someone 
will have to backport all those changes to the HSX code, which seems a 
far more onerous task than the current selective backports. ???


> Paul
> On 2/26/20, 1:50 AM, "jdk-updates-dev on behalf of Dalibor Topic" <jdk-updates-dev-bounces at on behalf of dalibor.topic at> wrote:
>      On 26.02.2020 01:16, Volker Simonis wrote:
>      > The proposed HSX approach isn't gonna change this at all. It will always
>      > use the latest released HS version in the current LTS JDK.
>      Thanks for clarifying that your proposal would affect OpenJDK 11 Updates
>      only, Volker.
>      cheers,
>      dalibor topic
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