[RFR] [11u] 11.0.6+10 / 11.0.6-ga

Andrew John Hughes gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Tue Jan 14 22:26:45 UTC 2020

Here are the remaining changes for the jdk11u repository:

Webrev: https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~andrew/openjdk11/11.0.6/

Changes in jdk-11.0.6+10:
  - S8220598: Malformed copyright year range in a few files in java.base
  - S8224909, CVE-2020-2583: Unlink Set of LinkedHashSets
  - S8225261: Better method resolutions
  - S8225279: Better XRender interpolation
  - S8226352, CVE-2020-2590: Improve Kerberos interop capabilities
  - S8227758: More valid PKIX processing
  - S8227816: More Colorful ICC profiles
  - S8228548, CVE-2020-2593: Normalize normalization for all
  - S8229728: Implement negotiation parameters
  - S8229951, CVE-2020-2601: Better Ticket Granting Services
  - S8230279: Improve Pack200 file reading
  - S8230318: Better trust store usage
  - S8230967: Improve Registry support of clients
  - S8231139: Improved keystore support
  - S8231422, CVE-2020-2604: Better serial filter handling
  - S8231780, CVE-2020-2655: Better TLS messaging support
  - S8231790: Provide better FileSystemProviders
  - S8232419: Improve Registry registration
  - S8234037, CVE-2020-2654: Improve Object Identifier Processing

The result is tagged 11.0.6+10 and 11.0.6-ga.

Ok to push?

Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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