[11u] Do you have a plan to upgrade JDK11's JLine to 3.14.0 ?

Ichiroh Takiguchi takiguc at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Nov 9 02:20:28 UTC 2020


Do you have a plan to upgrade JDK11's JLine to 3.14.0 ?

It seems JDK 11.0.9's JLine is 3.12.1 [1]

I found jshell's Tab key completion feature did not work on AIX's dtterm 
terminal window.
I could not recreate this issue on JDK 11.0.8.

I executed following instruction on JDK 11.0.9.
1. Type "Sys" on jshell,
2. Press Tab key. It should be changed to "System", but completion 
feature did not work.

It worked fine on aixterm and xterm window.
So it seems dtterm unique issue.

I executed same instruction on JDK15 and JDK16 EA on AIX's dtterm, it 
worked fine as expected.
It seemed JLine was upgraded to 3.14.0. [2]


Ichiroh Takiguchi
IBM Japan, Ltd.

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