[11u] RFR: 8256557: libharfbuzz fails to link on gcc 4.4.x due to -Wl, -z, defs

Hohensee, Paul hohensee at amazon.com
Thu Nov 19 00:48:47 UTC 2020

Set according to gcc version instead?


On 11/18/20, 11:37 AM, "jdk-updates-dev on behalf of Severin Gehwolf" <jdk-updates-dev-retn at openjdk.java.net on behalf of sgehwolf at redhat.com> wrote:


    Please review this JDK 11.0.10 specific fix for building slowdebug on a
    system with gcc 4.4.x (e.g. RHEL 6). JDK-8249821 got backported to
    11.0.10 and that causes one slight difference in how libharfbuzz is
    being linked: When it was linked as part of libfontmanager.so there was
    no -Wl,-z,defs. After JDK-8249821 it's there, which makes the build
    fail for slowdebug on this old toolchain. The proposal is to remove -
    Wl,-z,defs from LDFLAGS_JDKLIB for libharfbuzz as was done before.

    Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8256557


    diff --git a/make/lib/Awt2dLibraries.gmk b/make/lib/Awt2dLibraries.gmk
    --- a/make/lib/Awt2dLibraries.gmk
    +++ b/make/lib/Awt2dLibraries.gmk
    @@ -608,8 +608,9 @@
               truncwarn wvarhidenmem wvarhidemem wbadlkginit identexpected \
               hidevf w_novirtualdescr arrowrtn2 unknownpragma, \
           DISABLED_WARNINGS_microsoft := 4267 4244 4090 4146 4334 4819 4101 4068 4805 4138, \
    -      LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS_JDKLIB) \
    -          $(call SET_SHARED_LIBRARY_ORIGIN), \
    +      LDFLAGS := $(subst -Xlinker -z -Xlinker defs,, \
    +        $(subst -Wl$(COMMA)-z$(COMMA)defs,,$(LDFLAGS_JDKLIB))) \
    +        $(call SET_SHARED_LIBRARY_ORIGIN), \
           LDFLAGS_unix := -L$(INSTALL_LIBRARIES_HERE), \
           LDFLAGS_aix := -Wl$(COMMA)-berok, \
           LIBS := $(BUILD_LIBHARFBUZZ), \

    Tested build on gcc 4.4.x slowdebug. Works with the patch.

    I know this isn't pretty, but as there were no code changes done
    in JDK-8249821 it would preserve the status quo. Plus, it would unbreak
    our vanilla JDK 11 builds.



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