[11u] Backport JEP 346 : Promptly Return Unused Committed Memory from G1
Ruslan Synytsky
rs at jelastic.com
Mon Oct 12 08:02:27 UTC 2020
Dear Liang, thank you for the extra efforts on this improvement.
Dear Andrew, I assume we need your approval / confirmation. Can you please
take a look and let us know your feedback?
On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 09:42, Liang Mao <maoliang.ml at alibaba-inc.com> wrote:
> Hi Developers,
> I would like to refresh this backport too. As Ruslan's description, this
> JEP provides
> a very convenient way to save significant memory for popular applications
> like Jenkins.
> Alibaba's JDK11 already had this feature and used it in workloads like big
> data
> engines for months. The effect of memory saving is impressive.
> Alibaba keeps migrating our Java applications to JDK11 and G1. We will
> surely maintain
> the quality of the feature as we continues to report/discuss issues of G1
> and
> backport G1 bug fixes. SAP and Microsoft are interested in this feature
> during last
> discussion and willing to maintain it as well. The JEP only contains 4
> small to medium
> patches and 6 tiny to small fixes. With communitie's review(Oracle G1 team
> agreed to
> help) and experienced JVM developers from several big companies and
> testing on
> various workloads and scenarios, I believe the quality is definitely
> controllable.
> I have been managing thousands of Java applications/millions of Java
> instances and
> helping them to upgrade JDK and GC including different types of worloads
> like online
> services, big data platforms, batch jobs, etc. It's really painful for
> owners of Java
> applications to upgrate their JDK version to a larger number, especially
> for those big
> applications with a lot of 3rd party packages. Letting JDK11 LTS have
> such small
> feature with significant effect would benifit most of users.
> All changes of the JEP only contains of hunderds lines of code:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lmao/jep346.11u/all.webrev.00/
> Here are the 10 changesets needs backport and 3 of them have conflicts:
> 1) JDK-8071913
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lmao/jep346.11u/8071913.webrev.00/
> 2) JDK-6490394
> 3) JDK-8213898
> 4) JDK-8212657
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lmao/jep346.11u/8212657.webrev.00/
> 5) JDK-8215120
> 6) JDK-8215149
> 7) JDK-8215548
> 8) JDK-8216490
> 9) JDK-8218880
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lmao/jep346.11u/8218880.webrev.00/
> 10) JDK-8212883
> Tested with tier1/fastdebug.
> BTW, I will file an CSR for the new options added if maintainers agree.
> Any questions?
> Thanks,
> Liang
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: jdk-updates-dev [mailto:jdk-updates-dev-retn at openjdk.java.net] On
> > Behalf Of Ruslan Synytsky
> > Sent: 2020年8月7日 1:00
> > To: jdk-updates-dev <jdk-updates-dev at openjdk.java.net>
> > Subject: Re: [11u] Backport JEP 346 : Promptly Return Unused Committed
> > Memory from G1
> >
> > Hi All, I would like to refresh this topic by sharing a very simple
> example that
> > demonstrates why Java looks broken without this improvement.
> >
> > Jenkins is one of the most popular CI/CD tools. Unfortunately it
> supports only
> > Java 8 and Java 11
> > <https://www.jenkins.io/doc/administration/requirements/java/>. If you
> start a
> > simple standalone Jenkins instance and *just sign in* inside the admin
> panel then
> > the JVM will start consuming a significant amount of memory immediately.
> In
> > my case I had the following limits: container limit
> > - 8G, heap limit (Xmx) - 6.5G and the memory consumption after the sign
> in
> > action got to 3G. By default all Java runtimes lower than Java 12 within
> Jelastic
> > are supplied with our Java agent (which is a workaround) that tracks
> memory
> > usage and if this agent detects a significant waste it calls full GC.
> After this full
> > GC call the memory consumption goes down to 0.5G (check the screenshot)
> > <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/siruslan/java-memory-
> <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/siruslan/java-memory-usage/master/images/jenkins-memory-usage-diff.png>
> > usage/master/images/jenkins-memory-usage-diff.png
> <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/siruslan/java-memory-usage/master/images/jenkins-memory-usage-diff.png>
> >.
> > If we disable our agent then the memory usage at the idle JVM will stay
> at 3G
> > forever which is a waste of resources
> > <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/siruslan/java-memory-
> <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/siruslan/java-memory-usage/master/images/jenkins-memory-usage-waste.png>
> > usage/master/images/jenkins-memory-usage-waste.png
> <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/siruslan/java-memory-usage/master/images/jenkins-memory-usage-waste.png>
> >.
> > If you put additional load on Jenkins the picture will look even worse.
> >
> > Usually one large host node runs hundreds of containers, and one cloud
> cluster
> > may consist of tens, hundreds or thousands of host nodes, so the issue
> multiplies.
> > And the case with Jenkins is just one of the examples.
> > I'm pretty sure this inefficient memory usage issue was damaging the
> Java brand
> > for many years and a lot of developers believe that Java is too heavy.
> Is not it a
> > strong reason to bring the fix to Java 11?
> >
> > Thanks
> > --
> > Ruslan Synytsky
> > CEO @ Jelastic Multi-Cloud PaaS <https://jelastic.com/>
Ruslan Synytsky
CEO @ Jelastic Multi-Cloud PaaS
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