[11u] RFR: JDK-8254177: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020b
Andrew Hughes
gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Wed Oct 14 17:09:59 UTC 2020
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8254177
Webrev: https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~andrew/openjdk11/8254177/webrev.01/
This updates OpenJDK 11 to the latest tzdata release, which was released
last week. The backport mostly applies cleanly, with the following
* make/modules/java.base/gendata/GendataTZDB.gmk in 16u =>
* The rule change in test/jdk/java/time/test/java/time/zone/TestZoneRules.java
had to be applied manually, as 11u does not contain JDK-8239836, which introduces
the OFF_x shorthand for ZoneOffset.ofHours(x)
Tests in test/jdk/sun/util/calendar & test/jdk/java/time/test all pass
with this update.
I intend to include this with the CPU bundle once reviewed.
Note that this removes the US/Pacific-New zone, which has been long
obsolete and never actually came into effect:
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
OpenJDK Package Owner
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)
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