[11u] RFR: 8248745: Add jarsigner and keytool tests for restricted algorithms

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at sap.com
Tue Oct 20 10:25:50 UTC 2020

Hi Goetz, thanks for adding  the test .
Looks good to me.

Best regards, Matthias

-----Original Message-----
From: Lindenmaier, Goetz 
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 1:15 PM
To: jdk-updates-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: [11u] RFR: 8248745: Add jarsigner and keytool tests for restricted algorithms


I am downporting this for parity with 11.0.9-oracle. 
It is a new test that didn't make it to 11.0.9, I will
push it to 11.0.10.


I had to replace the name SHA256 by SHA-256 to 
make the test work.


Best regards,

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