[11.0.9u] RFR (XS) 8250787: Provider.put no longer registering aliases in FIPS env

David Alvarez alvdavi at amazon.com
Fri Sep 18 23:00:14 UTC 2020


Please review the following patch for 8250787, a p2 present in 
11.0.9-oracle we are still missing.

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alvdavi/webrevs/8250787/webrev.11u.00/
bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8250787

The problem is related to the registration of aliases in the 
java.security.Provider. Provider holds two maps, one for services 
registered using the old Provider.put (legacyMap) method and one for 
holding services registered with the newer Provider.putService 
(serviceMap). It seems that has been the case since 1.5, but it was not 
a problem until recently, as the default services were still added using 
the old Provider.put. JDK-7092821 [1] changed that, making the default 
providers use Provider.putService instead of Provider.put, and 
uncovering this latent problem.

The fix is a small one, make sure that parseLegacyPut looks into both 
maps when adding a new alias. Patch pases jdk tier1 and tier2 and a test 
is included.



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