[11.0.9u] RFR (XS) 8250787: Provider.put no longer registering aliases in FIPS env

Martin Balao mbalao at redhat.com
Tue Sep 22 19:11:00 UTC 2020

Hi David,

On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 3:31 PM David Alvarez <alvdavi at amazon.com> wrote:
> These are not used for registering aliases. [1] is the path used to
> register a new service and [2] is used to register an attribute. They
> both fetch the legacyMap because they can also be used to modify an
> existing value (either the class for an algorithm or the value of an
> attribute).

Thanks for your clarification. I see your point. It should be possible
to have a service registered twice (same name, different impl classes
eventually): once with the putService API and once with the legacy
API. Same for a service attribute. But this is unsupported: we are not
expecting this information to be sync.

Ok, looks good to me.


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