[jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8215624: Add parallel heap iteration for jmap –histo

Christoph Langer clanger at openjdk.java.net
Mon Aug 23 21:45:29 UTC 2021

On Tue, 17 Aug 2021 07:47:33 GMT, Bin Liao <github.com+3094961+buddyliao at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Unclean backport, since original patch does not apply cleanly to 11u, because jmap command parameter is different between each other, and the code structure has little changed.
>>     8215624: Add parallel heap iteration for jmap -histo
>>     8253763: ParallelObjectIterator should have virtual destructor
> Would anyone help me to review this backport? Thank you!

Hi, @buddyliao, we can have a look.

First of all, I see that you have included JDK-8253763 in this commit, which seems to make sense. Can you please add the issue to this PR via the "/issue add" command?

Furthermore, JDK-8251570 seems to be a follow up. Do you plan to backport this as well? If so, you could use a "dependent PR" to also propose a backport for this and we can test it together. Please let me know and I can guide you on how to do it.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk11u-dev/pull/127

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