Resigning as PowerPC/AIX Port Project Lead

Lindenmaier, Goetz goetz.lindenmaier at
Wed May 12 13:40:02 UTC 2021


Volker, many thanks for initiating and driving the ppc/aix
port up to now!

And yes, SAP proposes Martin Doerr[1] as new lead of the 
PowerPC/AIX Port Project [2][3][4].

In the future, SAP will concentrate on supporting 
linuxppc64le (little endian) in jdk/jdk, jdk17 and jdk11. I.e., SAP 
will assure best quality by continuously building and testing these 
repositories.  IBM will take the responsibility of the AIX port.

The linuxppc64 (big endian) port will be discontinued [5] as it 
is nowadays superseded by the little endian port. SAP will also 
terminate its testing efforts of the ppc platforms in OpenJDK 8u [6].
IBM will continue the support of linuxppc64 (le, be) in 8 and 11.

Naturally, SAP will always respond to issues raised against the
linuxppc64, linuxppc64le or aixppc64 ports in any jdk version
with appropriate effort.

Best regards,
Goetz and Tim

[5] The last releases where SAP tests linuxppc64 will be 11.0.12 and 17.
[6] The last release of 8 where SAP tests linuxppc64 and aix will be 
    the July 2021 security update.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Volker Simonis <volker.simonis at>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2021 3:26 PM
> To: ppc-aix-port-dev <ppc-aix-port-dev at>; porters-
> dev at; discuss at
> Cc: Dalibor Topic <dalibor.topic at>; Lindenmaier, Goetz
> <goetz.lindenmaier at>
> Subject: Resigning as PowerPC/AIX Port Project Lead
> I hereby resign as PowerPC/AIX Port Project Lead.
> The PowerPC/AIX Port [1] was proposed almost exactly 9 years ago [2].
> It was the first externally contributed, full OpenJDK port and paved
> the way for subsequent porting projects like aarch64 and s390. It was
> also the beginning of a fruitful cooperation between SAP, IBM and
> Oracle who have all contributed to the success of this project.
> While PowerPC and especially AIX can still be seen as "niche"
> platforms, the presence of the PowerPC/AIX Port in the OpenJDK main
> line has helped to considerably improve and streamline the whole code
> base. I hope this mutually beneficial collaboration will continue in
> the future and would like to propose Martin Doerr (mdoerr [3]) as new
> Project Lead.
> Martin is a true PowerPC/Itanium expert and a real memory model
> wizard. He's a long term member of the SAP JVM team, an OpenJDK
> Reviewer and a member of the OpenJDK HotSpot and Members Groups [3].
> In the end, and according to the OpenJDK Bylaws, the Lead of the
> sponsoring group (Dalibor Topic from the Porters Group) needs to
> assign a new Project Lead [4]. I for myself can't think of any better
> candidate and warmly recommend Martin for this position.
> Thank you and best regards,
> Volker
> [1]
> [2]
> May/000125.html
> [3]
> [4]

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