JBS Modification Proposal: Don't inherit master bug labels when creating backport records

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at oracle.com
Thu Jul 7 09:24:17 UTC 2022

Thanks for the replies. With no concerns raised, I'll ask the JBS 
maintainers to push ahead and implement this change.


On 23/06/2022 17:31, Seán Coffey wrote:
> Since the launch of the OpenJDK Jira Bug System, the default behaviour 
> of the manual "Create Backport" action has been to inherit the master 
> bug labels for the newly created backport record. The experience for 
> most when manually creating a backport record is to delete all 
> inherited labels. In comparison, nowadays, the vast majority of 
> backport records are created by bots (e.g. Dukebot) upon pushing a 
> change to a project repo. These automated bots don't inherit labels 
> from the master bug. That approach fits better since all processes 
> that I'm aware of ask that project tracking labels be added to the 
> master bug only.
> I'd like to propose a JBS infra change whereby the manual "Create 
> Backport" action adopts the bot position of creating backports with no 
> labels. Are there any comments/concerns with such a tweak ?
> regards,
> Sean.

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