[jdk18u] RFR: 8286573: Remove the unnecessary method Attr#attribTopLevel and its usage

Christoph Langer clanger at openjdk.org
Mon Jul 11 14:21:56 UTC 2022

On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:53:59 GMT, Guoxiong Li <gli at openjdk.org> wrote:

> > Hi @lgxbslgx, 18u is done. I think you can close this PR and go straight for a backport to jdk17u-dev.
> I just obey the guide from the wiki [1]. From the rule below, I need to backport it to jdk18u (X == N - 1) firstly. The wiki may be outdated, so I don't know the actual steps of current backport chain.
> ```
> The first step to get your bug fixed in a released JDK version is to attempt to
> reproduce it with latest JDK: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/ (jdk/jdk). If that's the
> case, the next step is to fix the bug in JDK head[1] and then follow the
> backport-chain which is usually in this order:
>  1. jdk/jdk (JDK N)
>  2. jdk-updates/jdkXu (where X == N-1)
>  3. jdk-updates/jdkYu (where Y is the current LTS version)
>  4. jdk8u/jdk8u
> ```
> [1] https://wiki.openjdk.org/display/JDKUpdates/JDK+Updates+Guidance

Yep, that's perfect - however, jdk18u is meanwhile closed (that is, no changes for 18.0.2 get accepted any longer). In September it will be superseded by jdk19 - which already has an open jdk19u repo btw. As probably nobody will pick up jdk18, I guess it's fine to close this PR.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk18u/pull/178

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