[External] : Re: [Proposal] Maintainer Approvals and SKARA

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at redhat.com
Wed Mar 30 19:26:03 UTC 2022

On 05:07 Thu 24 Mar     , Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> > I'm not sure how you see this as "more work", as the existing task
> > of flagging the issue for approval would now be handled by the bot,
> > rather than the committer.
> I meant more work in Skara to develop and implement this new feature 
> (although Erik could confirm whether my assessment is accurate). I can 
> see some advantages for the maintainers, but we need to balance to 
> potential benefit against the cost to implement.
> -- Kevin

Ah ok, one of my main motivations behind the change was to reduce the
work required in SKARA. After reading the code and discussing this with
Erik, I got the impression that it was easier to implement if the
process was mostly self-contained within the PR, with SKARA only reaching
out to JBS to make changes.

To implement the existing system would require SKARA to be constantly
polling the referenced bugs to see if someone had added jdk<x>-fix-yes
to the bug. I believe this is already something that is proving
problematic with CSRs, where the SKARA PR can become out of sync with
the CSR bug item.

There are some additional benefits to developers, such as removing the
need for someone to have JBS access to request approval, but the
primary one was to avoid a large amount of SKARA development work if a
simple change could be made to where the approval process takes place.

Andrew :)
Pronouns: he / him or they / them
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
OpenJDK Package Owner
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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