Backporting JDK-8217264 on JDK11u

Brice Dutheil brice.dutheil at
Sat Oct 1 12:01:11 UTC 2022

Hi everyone,

I was redirected there, to ask about backporting some fixes made to
`HttpClient` to JDK11u.

Indeed, some API usage around the BodySubscribers with a common need of
handling GZipped HTTP payload, are problematic (results in a deadlock) on
JDK11 because,

1. The API is improperly documented ; this was fixed in JDK 13 with
2. Daniel fuchs contributed a mechanism that prevents the deadlock, also
contributed in JDK 13 with

While I would prefer users to upgrade to a more recent JDK, I believe
fixing this deadlock on an LTS seems appropriate.

Thank you in advance for considering the backport of these fixes.

-- Brice
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